What is Beef Passport?
Beef Passport uses a confidential, third-party, private industry database to contain all information captured related to cattle. Feedyards and packers are able to use the EID tag lookup system to verify cattle are meeting specific third-party verification programs. At the core of these programs is source and age verification, Beef Passport can also be used to sign up for source and age verification online.
For source verification, we must know an animal’s birthplace, which is most often done by utilizing an Electronic Identification (EID) tag. Age can also be added to your Source verification program, which is done through records review. Additional verification programs can be added on to your U.S. Verified Source program. View your options here!
This system meets ADT requirements and is an easy tie-in with voluntary verification programs. It maintains and ensures export verification compliance.
Understanding IMI Global Programs and RequirementsThis Sales Kit will give an understanding of all IMI Global programs and service offerings.
Ranch ApplicationTo begin in any of our verification programs, you will fill out a Ranch Application. Please contact our office to obtain this application for your operation. This is the first step in the verification process for cow/calf ranches wanting to enroll in any Breed Verified program, Source, Age, Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC), Verified Natural Beef (VNB), CARE or Verified Grassfed programs. If you are selling via Superior Livestock or Western Video, please let your CVS know. You will receive an application specifically for that video sale.
CARE Certified for the Beef IndustryDownload this CARE Certified flyer for general information.
Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC) Feed LetterProducers enrolled in the NHTC and Verified Natural programs must obtain a signed feed letter of guarantee from the manufacturer of all commercial feed products being used on their operation. This feed letter template may be used to meet this program requirement.
Shipping Program Cattle ChecklistShipping cattle soon? Use this checklist to help you remember what's required for your program cattle.
Ranch ManualProducers enrolled in Source, Age, NHTC, VNB and CARE programs must have an updated ranch manual on hand for your onsite verification. Please contact us if you'd like this mailed to you.
Shipping CertificateInstead of completing a separate document when you ship your approved cattle from the ranch, now you can write the shipping information directly on the Ranch Shipping Certificate,which is issued when your calving group is approved.
Order EID tagsContact your Account Manager to order EID tags of any kind for program or non-program cattle.
Tag Inventory ReportThe Tag Inventory Report to be completed by all customers who have purchased EID tags in order to confirm how many tags were used, and the inventory of leftover tags.
Calving Group Enrollment FormThe Calving Group Enrollment form can be used to get a calf crop approved prior to the next scheduled onsite audit.
FeedlotsPlease contact our Feedlot Customer Verification Specialists at 303.895.3002 for Right-to-Ship documentation when shipping to a packer.